IFSMA 30th Annual General Assembly

6th May - 7th May 2004,

Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The following General Assembly Resolutions were agreed.

1. Crminalisation of Shipmasters

2. Ship Security Officers (ISPS Code)

3. ISPS Code and Seafrer's Social Needs and Rights

4. Declaration of Buenos Aires

Dowload Acrobat (.pdf) version 47k Resolutions 1 to 3

Download MS Word (.doc) version in ZIP archive 92k Resolutions 1 to 3

Dowload Acrobat (.pdf) version 47k Resolution 4

Download MS Word (.doc) version in ZIP archive 92k Resolution 4

IFSMA Res. 1/2004 - Criminalisation of Shipmasters

On the occasion of the 30th AGA, the delegates of IFSMA assembled in Buenos Aires, Argentina note with great concern that in regard to the issue of criminalization of shipmasters, since the last AGA, there has been no improvement on the tendency by Port States to arrest and detain Masters without trial following maritime casualties.

IFSMA calls upon the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the International Labour Organization (ILO) and other maritime and regulatory interests to develop guidelines taking into consideration that pending an expeditious inquiry, a shipmaster’s best professional judgement in dealing with emergency situations should be supported. The goal is that shipmasters should not be unduly detained and, if initially detained, should be released promptly, unless charges of wilful misconduct or criminal negligence can be substantiated.

IFSMA Res. 2/2004 - Ship Security Officers (ISPS Code)

On the occasion of the 30th AGA, the delegates of IFSMA assembled in Buenos Aires, Argentina discussed the urgent issue of the interpretation of the ISPS Code’s provisions on Ship’s Security Officer.

The ISPS Code requires a SSO (Ship Security Officer) to administer and supervise a ship’s security plan and be trained to carry out a number of duties as prescribed in Parts A & B of the code.

IFSMA recommends that the shipmaster should specifically not be the SSO in order to provide independent supervision and fulfil his duties as specified in the code.

Furthermore, IFSMA has studied the requirements of the ISPS Code and recognizes that effective enactment of all of the rules and regulations required by the plan as written, will increase workload and subsequently, fatigue factors. This problem must be addressed by the addition of another officer to the vessel’s Safe Manning Certificate.

IFSMA Res. 3/2004 - ISPS Code and Seafarer's Social Needs and Rights

ISPS Code and Seafarer’s Social Needs and Rights

On the occasion of the 30th AGA, the delegates of IFSMA assembled in Buenos Aires, Argentina noted with concern the disturbing trend in some ports to overemphasize security provisions by not allowing crew shore leave or the opportunity for proper shipboard relief.

IFSMA strongly urges contracting parties to the SOLAS Conventions to take any efforts to fully enforce the requirements of Conference Resolution 11 on Human Element related aspects and shore leave for seafarers and the ILO Convention 108.

IFSMA Res. 4/2004 - Declaration of Buenos Aires

The 30th IFSMA Annual General Assembly was held in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentine Republic, on 6th and 7th of May 2004.

Considering the critical situation in which the Argentine Merchant Marine finds itself as a result of the deregulation and privatisation process of the industry;

Recalling that the mentioned process began with the approval of Decree 1772/91, allowing Argentine shipowners to flag out their vessels and register them in flag of convenience countries;

Being aware of the dramatic results that the application of such policies for more than a decade have had for the local maritime industry and Argentine seafarers, evidenced by the constant decline in participation of the fleet in the national cabotage and its almost non-existence in the foreign trades, as well as the loss of many thousands of jobs;

Having been informed during the course of these deliberations that the Argentine Government has the firm intention to reverse the crisis of the maritime and inland navigation sector and of the shipbuilding industry, as well as to encourage their recovery, though establishing a number of measures aimed at the recreation of a commercial fleet under the national flag;

Taking into account that the existence of national fleets as well as the elimination of the flags of convenience system and of any other form of unfair competition, are essential conditions for achieving the development of a world maritime industry more just and balanced;

Taking also into account that the above-mentioned conditions are also fundamental for assuring a competitive shipping industry, operated with professional seafarers, and further ensuring the protection of the marine environment and the preservation of life and property at sea;

For all this;

The 30th Annual General Assembly expressed its full support for the Argentine Government repeal of Decree No. 1772/91 which will establish the basis for rebuilding the Argentine Merchant Marine.

