III 3 | IMO Reports

IMO Reports

Unity for Safety at Sea


Agenda Item 3. Consideration and analysis of the reports on alleged inadequacy of port reception facilities..

INTERCARGO introduced a Paper III 3/3/1 on the inadequacy of facilities in ports and that the bulk carrier industry continues to be faced with difficulties with the availability of port reception facilities (PRF) for cargo residues and hold washing waters deemed harmful for the marine environment (HME) as required by MARPOL Annex V. The Paper was well received and the issues highlighted therein were acknowledged particularly that of only 10% of ports in the survey around the world have the required facilities. It was decided that the Secretariat should amend the MSC Circular MEPC.1/Circ.834.

Agenda Item 4. Lessons learned and safety issues identified from the analysis of marine safety investigation reports

a. MCA Reported (as chairman) on results of correspondence group. WG to review/consider/note.

b. Proposals on enhancing watch-keeping and look-out on bridges under special circumstances – introduced by China. Designated look-out resting or doing other work, in deteriorating visibility failure to appoint additional lookout or inform the master. UK - is this the best place (sub-committee) to present his information – NCSR or HTW. Long discussion on how to handle this subject. Opinion that this si not the appropriate Sub-Committee, therefore not sent to WG, China will submit further paper to appropriate committee. Various interventions made in Sub-Committee in support of China paper, no need to duplicate.

c. China – how to identify typical accident for training purposes.

d. GSIS web page – beta version of updated website available before next meeting.

e. Lesson learned – Marine Investigation Reports, useful for maritime lecturers. GSIS report by default not public, need to make public if appropriate. 2005 everything public, that was reversed later. Proposal is to make all reports public again with option to opt out for specific reports. Proposed to start from Sub-Committee III 4.

f. Use of Accident Data – IACS - FSA provides useful tool. Suggestion for improving GSIS MCI Module to better support FSA. (Enhanced MCI module). Proposal not supported.

Agenda Item 5. Measures to harmonize port State control (PSC) activities and procedures worldwide

a. Continuous agenda item for Sub-Committee - 35 documents to consider.

b. Guideline on procedures for PSC. DENMARK – only electronic certificates now issued as they relate to PSC. Announce on June 24 no longer issue PSC certificates on paper. (All those issued by Denmark SOLAS/MLC/MARPOL, etc.) The appearance is identical and they contain a tracking number, protected from tampering. They meet IMO Guidelines. Denmark hope they will be treated by members in the same way as paper certificates. Discussion on early implementation of amendments to SOLAS. Further discussion on what the WG should be asked to discuss.

c. New relevant requirements. ICS - VGM for containers is a priority - full compliance by 1/10/16.

d. Guidelines 2099 for MARPOL Annex 6. Energy Efficiency for Ships. China commented that at present no guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Emissions.

e. Guidelines for PSC – Certification of Seafarers and Hours of Rest and Manning. WG sent out after lunch on Tuesday.

f. Performance of flag Administrations and recognised organisations Paper 3/5/4. The Paper includes a list of underperforming Recognised Organisations as well as Flag Administrations on the "Black List" with corresponding Recognised Organisations. This was noted by the Sub Committee.

Agenda Item 6. Identified issues relating to the implementation of IMO instruments from the analysis of PSC data.

Poor Navigational Practices – III3/5/5. The introduction of Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) is intended to support navigational safety and to provide for better situational awareness. Australia has observed a corresponding rise in instances in which poor navigational practices are combined with a lack of understanding in the use of such systems. Of concern are the number of issues noted during port State control (PSC) inspections where the vessel has failed to exercise basic navigation principles, in some cases resulting in near miss situations. There were a number of key findings in this Paper which have very serious implications for Shipmasters and 2 need bringing to the attention to IFSMA Members highlighting the need for better training. These are;

I. there is an over reliance on electronic planning tools, without the competence to employ these systems effectively. The design of equipment can also contribute to over-reliance and lead to vigilance problems;

II. in monitoring a voyage, there is a growing prevalence to ignore visual and radar information. Ship's officers are sometimes not corroborating visual and radar information to confirm their vessel's position. This appears to be a result of over-reliance on electronic aids and it could lead to unrecoverable errors and incidents.

No intervention was made by IFSMA as it was not necessary to the relevance of III Sub Committee in Port State Control, but will be very important when it proceeds to the other Committees.

It was agreed that Australia needs to bring this Paper to the attention of HTW, NSCR and MSC.

Agenda Item 8. Updated Survey Guidelines under the Harmonized System of Survey and Certification (HSSC)

a. Paper 3/8/2 by the Bahamas seeking the development and issuing of guidance for Port State Control after early implementation of regulations by Flag State Control of a different Nation. It is critical that Masters should be aware of any implications for their vessels and that they have the required Certification from their FSC. It was agreed that it is important that all FSC publish the status of their regulations and what has been implemented by their Nation. It was further agreed that this issue should be discussed further by the HSSC WG and propose how to issue the notification of Flag States’ early implementation of Regulations.

b. Paper 3/8 by China on Comments on the report of the HSSC Correspondence Group – Nothing Significant to Report.

Reports from Working Groups. WP 6, WP5, WP3 and WP4.

a. WP6 - Identified issues relating to the implementation of IMO Instruments from the analysis of PSC Data. Nothing Significant to Report.

b. WP5 - Analysis of consolidated audit summary reports issued under the voluntary phase of the Scheme. Nothing Significant to Report.

c. WP3 - Lessons Learned and safety issues identified from the analysis of Marine Safety Investigation Reports. Annex 1 to the Report identifies a number of Lessons to Learn from 5 Accident Reports and will be distributed to the IFSMA Membership.

d. WP4 – non-exhaustive list of obligations under instruments relevant to the IMO Instruments Implementation Code (iii code). Nothing Significant to Report.

Agenda Item 12. Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman for 2017.

a. Mr Aji Vasudevan, Deputy Chief Ship Surveyor-cum-Senior Deputy Director General (Technical), Directorate General of Shipping, Ministry of Shipping of India was proposed by the Delegation of the Bahamas. His nomination was unanimously supported.

b. M. Jean-Luc Le Liboux, Directeur, Bureau Enquete Accident of France was proposed by the Delegation of Canada. His nomination was unanimously supported.

Agenda Item 13. Any Other Business

Sub Item 3 - IMO Ship Identification Number Scheme Paper III 3/13/2. It was agreed that Circular Letter No.1886/Rev 6 ... July 2016 should be revised to include all motorised inboard fishing vessels of less than 100 GT down to a size limit of 12 metres in length overall (LOA), that are authorised to operate outside waters under national jurisdiction and to passenger ships of less than 100 GT, high-speed passenger craft and mobile drilling units, covered by SOLAS regulation V/19-1.

For further details please refer to the full Sub-Committee Report and input papers. This requires access codes to the IMO Documents website which are available to IFSMA Members from HQ.