Officers | International Federation of Shipmasters' Associations

Officers of the Federation

Listed in order of rank, date elected and country

Executive Council

President of IFSMA
Captain Hans Sande - Norway
Elected 26/10/2023

Deputy President
Captain Willi Wittig - Germany
Elected 26/10/2023

Vice President
Captain Marcos Castro - Argentina
Elected 26/10/2023

Vice President
Captain Niels B Hansen - Denmark
Elected 26/10/2023

Vice President
Captain Martin Björkell - Finland
Elected 26/10/2023

Vice President
Captain Alexandre Ribes - France
Elected 26/10/2023

Vice President
Captain Shinya Nakamura - Japan
Elected 26/10/2023

Vice President
Mr. Marcel van den Broek - Netherlands
Elected 26/10/2023

Vice President
Captain Nils Brandberg - Sweden
Elected 26/10/2023

Vice President
Captain Birol Bayrakdar - Türkiye
Elected 26/10/2023

Vice President
Captain Oleg Grygoriuk - Ukraine
Elected 26/10/2023

Vice President
Captain Joe Hartnett - USA
Elected 26/10/2023


Secretary General
Commodore Jim Scorer
Appointed 1/5/2016

Assistant Secretary General
Captain Paul Owen
Appointed 1/10/1996

Office Manager