04/05/16 11:30 Filed in: IMO MEPC
The sixty-ninth session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee was held at the IMO from 18th to 22nd April 2016 under the chairmanship of Sr. Arsenio Dominguez (Panama). The Vice-Chairman was Mr. Hideaki Saito (Japan). This was a busy session with 149 papers submitted for action or information.
Read More…MEPC 68
06/06/15 14:51 Filed in: IMO MEPC
MEPC 68 was held on the 11th-15th May 2015. This Committee attracts considerable interest, particularly from environmental NGO’s. Regrettably, the debate centres upon the political objectives of flag states and the financial imperatives of shipping rather than upon the impact of the environment and the safety of seafarers.